
Redmi Note 9 Pro Max 5mm



Theme - Post Processing


Tune Image >Details >Contrast >Saturation>Selective >focus on bird>lens blur>Clarity


Rule Of Thirds

I've used the compositional rule of thirds to give this train some visual interest. Through a mix of technical and post-processing measures, I was able to highlight the rain by increasing the Brightness and sharpness to display the falling rain.


This Picture shows of a moving train and falling rain.I could see this moving train from my room's window. I waited a long time for a seconds movement of train photo, after a while, at a moment's notice, the train passed, and I quickly snapped a photo with my phone's pro photography setting. While waiting, I realized how hard to work for a good moment.

Canon EOS 550D 60mm



Theme - Post Processing


Tune Image >Details >Contrast >Saturation>Selective >focus on bird>lens blur> Clarity


Simplify the scene

Decluttered the background to draw attention to subject S


The perfect illustration of movement is found in birds. Hearing birds whisper is always lovely and brings some peace and happiness to the mind. They fly in a manner that makes me think of how far humans might go to travel like a bird.

Canon EOS 550D 18mm



Theme - Post Processing


Imported into Light Room >Expoture >Contrast >Saturation>Dehaze> Clarity> Color Noise Reduction


Rule Of Thirds

According to the rule of thirds, the car was framed in the left side of the road. the car's motion was captured during the day, but I chose to compose the image to look like it occurred at night view. Except for the remaining scenery and road, the car was primarily in focus. It displays more precisely at night than the day.


The image depicts a car driving by the road during the dark. There is no one else around, and the road is completely dark with a single streetlight on, yet the car's headlights illuminated the entire path. The only way to find out about some of the most stunning routes is getting lost..

Canon EOS 550D 5mm



Theme - Post Processing


Crop > Tune lmage > Brightness > Saturation >Tonal Contrast > Selective> Details.


Rule Of Thirds

Not only does the picture follow the rule of thirds, but it also has leading lines, lights that show movement, and a car going by.


The dark, empty roads used to be the scariest, but now that there are lights in the streets, they feel more alive. The buildings are linked by a single road, and the lights on both sides of the buildings have been connected to make the area brighter.

My Learnings :

  1. How to take photos that are alive even while you're moving
  2. Aspects of the camera's technology and configurations
  3. Combining the capabilities of the DSLR and mobile pro in a variety of modes